Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tips for a Successful Video Job Interview

Tips for a Successful Video Job einstellungsgesprchTips for a Successful Video Job InterviewDo you have a video bewerberinterview on your agenda? As hiring becomes global and more employees work remotely, video interviews have become commonplace. For hiring managers and recruiters, theyre a way to quickly conductfirst-round interviews, save on transportation costs, and get the interview process started much faster than scheduling in-person interviews. Tips for a Successful Video Job Interview The key to a successful video interview is to practice beforehand so that you avoid technical problems and feel confident with the process. Review the following tips to make sure you ace this font of interview. Keep in mind a video interview carries as much weight as an interview conducted in-person, so you will want to make sure that youre well prepared to interview remotely. Advance Planning For an interview in the company office, arrive early, so you have time to get situated. Ask for assistance if youre not sure how to use the equipment. Even if you think you can figure it out, its good to ask for a quick overview. For a video interview at home If you are using your own equipment, do a trial run a day or two before the interview.Set up your camera and any headset or microphone as if you were going to do the actual interview. If possible, use the saatkorn video technology that youll be using during the actual interview. That way, you wont have any last minute installation issues or password problems right before your interview.Your camera should be at eye level (not above or below). A poorly placed camera can result in unflattering double chins or weird shadows. Check to make sure your sound equipment works properly. Regardless of location, make sure that you send any materials (resume, portfolio, etc.) that the recruiter needs in advance. Appearance During your test run, take a look at the background that shows up in the video. Does it look cluttered or dis tracting? Plan to have your background be tidy. A plain wall is ideal, or an office-like setting. Pay attention to the lighting, too. You do not want to have lights sources behind you since that will leave your face in the shadows. On the day of the interview, dress professionally, wearing the sameinterview attireyou would for an in-person interview. While the camera angle should show you from the waist up (your face is the real focal point) if there is any possibility you will need to stand up, make sure your pants or skirt is professional. During the Video Interview Make sure the table and your surroundings are clean and neat. You dont want to distract the interviewer. If youre interviewing in your home, make sure that you are in a quiet space with no barking dogs, children, music, or other sounds. As well, turn off your phone and any alerts on your computer to avoid getting thrown off by emails or instant messages during the interview. The microphone will pick up any noise in the room, so dont tap your pen or shuffle papers. Make eye contact, and remember, that means looking at the camera (and not the picture-in-picture image of yourself). Use the same good posture you would use during an in-person interview. Avoid making a lot of hand gestures- even with a great Internet connection, there can be lag time, and hand gestures can stutter on the screen. The Video Interview Process The company selects candidates for video interviews.Arrangements for an interview are scheduled - at home with your own webcam, a company office, an off-site location with a webcam setup, or via a webcam sent to the applicant.A tutorial will provide instructions on the webcam and the interview.There will be 10 - 15 questions related to the job the company is hiring for.The applicant will have 30 seconds to read the question and two minutes to respond. Other than youre not meeting the interview in-person, the interview processwill be the same as an in-person interview. The int erviewers objective (to screen candidates for employment) is the same. You will be asked the same type ofinterview questions. Also, be prepared toask questions, as well. If youre not sure about how the interview is proceeding, its fine to ask the interviewer how you are doing. Whats most important is to considerthis type of interviewis just as important as if you were meeting the interviewer in his or her office. The value, for yourself as well as for the hiring manager, is equivalent, and interviewing successfully, however it takes place, is the key to getting hired. What Employers Expect to See What do employers want to see when they review videos from candidates for employment? Answer the questions asked, not the questions you wish were asked.Recruiters and hiring managers want to know you can do the job required, so they ask specific questions. A video is a faster way for them to screen seekers than traditional applications, so dont give them a reason to delete yours.Show cr eativity.In your responses, relate an experience that demonstrates how you can perform the job required. If you are applying to be a chef, for example, record your answers in the kitchen while youre preparing a dish. Be presentable.Make sure you are dressed and groomed appropriately and practice your answers, so you have the best representation of yourself as possible. Videos are a great way to stand out from the other applicants who have only their paper applications or online text resumes. The best videos get forwarded and replayed many times.Have a resume and application ready.Video can get your foot in the door, but standard materials still get used at some point in the process. Make sure your experiences and best points match what youre saying in the video.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Prosthetic Limbs That Can Feel

Prosthetic Limbs That Can Feel Prosthetic Limbs That Can Feel One day in the elend-too-distant future, prosthetic limbs may become much mora useful and user friendly, thanks to the work of Bradley Gregers Neural Engineering Lab at Arizona State University.Greger, associate professor in the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, and his team recently reported on research that takes another step toward making prosthetics that give amputees a high degree of control. The key, according to Greger, is the interface between the prosthetics and nerve messengers to the brain.Its not just telling the fingers to move. The brain has to know the fingers have moved as directed, Greger says.The goal is to create limbs that patients will use as true extensions of themselves. To accomplish this, the team is seeking to establish two-way communication between a user and a new prosthetic limb so that it is capable of controlling more than 20 different movements.Markers are applied to the p atients functioning hand in order to measure hand posture. renommee Kevin ONeill/ASUIn the recent research, the team implanted an array of electrodes in two nerves in the arms of two amputees for 30 days. The electrodes were stimulated with varying degrees of amplitude and frequency to determine how the participants perceived the stimulation. Then, as the subjects controlled fingers of a virtual robotic hand, nerven betreffend activity was recorded during intended movements of their phantom fingers, and 13 specific movements were decoded.Greger says the motor and sensory information from the microelectrode arrays indicated that patients outfitted with a highly dexterous prosthesis controlled with such a two-way interface might begin to think of the prosthesis as an extension of themselves. The idea is that a participant controls a virtual prosthetic hand by thinking about moving the amputated hand, and the nerve signals are recorded by microelectrodes. A computer algorithm decodes t he signals and controls the virtual prosthetic hand.Prof. Bradley Greger works to refine the process to control fine finger movements. Image Terry Grant/ASUIts not like we need any fundamental breakthrough, Greger says. We need some good engineering and sufficient resources. He says the biggest fundamental engineering challenge is longevity, as the devices must last at least a decade.The issue is a robustly engineered electrode of the right materials that is also compliant, he explains. It has to be a little bit more biological. Its got to move and shift and be flexible like the nerve that it is interfacing with. A lot of the approaches have come from an electrical engineering background where they approach it from a rigid circuit connector.This work, coming from an electronic perspective, focuses on one-to-one mapping of the finger movements, Greger says. They dont look at the hand as a mechanical device, something that works synergistically.The real exciting opportunity is to thin k about the neural code not as one-to-one mapping when I move my index finger, but when I do this whole kind of posture with my hands, there is real synergy. The challenge is how to get the neural signal thats operating in full synergy to talk to a mechanical device thats set up to also move with the synergies, he says.In part because of his background, Greger is taking a different approach. He earned bachelors degrees from Washington State University in both philosophy (that led him to thinking about theory of the mind) and biology. Those paved the way to neuroscience, and as a graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis, he developed an interest in studying neuronal encoding in primates and humans. Like everyone did in the 1990s, I started thinking, How can this help some people? he recalls. As a post doc, he focused on neuroengineering and began investigating the use of microelectrode arrays in neuroprosthetics at Caltech. He joined ASU in 2013.For the next phase of th e study, markers will be applied to the patients healthy hand to record its movements, and then these measurements will be used to direct the virtual hand, with the patient using an Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. Another team member, Kevin ONeill, a doctoral student at ASU, is developing technology that allows the patient to see what the virtual limb is doing and decodes the neural messages that enable the motion to happen.Once the team learns what information the signals hold, a neural decoding system can be built to direct the prosthesis so that it becomes almost intuitive. There will be some learning curve because we will be introducing them to a fairly complex system that listens to the nerve and takes those signals that used to control the handnow goneand use them to control the prosthetic hand, Greger says. We are hopeful that it will be more intuitive and it is very important that there is some sensory feedback so when they touch something, they get some sense that they touched something. That will really help them have a sense of embodiment. It really becomes like their hand.Were working toward limbs that are accessible both financially and in terms of usability... something that is maybe not quite as sophisticated as the expensive ones but certainly better than the current generation of prosthetic hands, Greger says.He believes that the end technology may have much broader applications in controlling organ systems, dealing with, for example, high blood pressure. It may not be as exciting but it can help a lot of people, notes Greger.Nancy S. Giges is an independent writerThe real exciting opportunity is to think about the neural code not as one-to-one mapping when I move my index finger, but when I do this whole kind of posture with my hands, there is real synergy.Prof. Bradley Greger, Arizona State University

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Heres why your job is causing you stress and what you can do

Heres why your job is causing you stress and what you can doHeres why your job is causing you stress and what you can doAmericans are collectively dissatisfied with their professions.According to a recent Gallup study, 51% of US workers dont feel any kind of meaningful connection to their careers with 16% outing their dejection as the author of their poor performances.Because we devote so much time to the thing that pays our bills (92,120 hours over the course of a lifetimeto be exact) our sense of self-worth has become beclouded. Of course, a delusion of purpose operates with a great many other components.Lets dissect.Aimless and undervaluedA general crisis of professional identity has been brewing for some time.Ladders has previously reportedabout how a lack of recognition is one of the primary factors that seduce many young workers into a perpetual state of career readjustmentThe 2017 Mind the Workplace report, released by the nonprofit groupMental Health America (MHA) and The Fa as Foundation,surveyedmore than 17,000 U.S. workers in 19 industries and found that 71% were either actively looking for new job opportunities or had the topic on their minds always, often or sometimes at work.On balance, Millennials believe their wages to be a poor representation of the work they put inthis poses a huge problem. Validation rivals most monetary incentives from where I sit, especially to those of us being compensating for doing the things were passionate about. A failure on the employers part to satisfy pangs of ego (elend that they ought to) seems to be resulting in workers miserably submitting to mediocrity in the fields theyre falling out of love with.I recently wrote about the effect the college myth has had on our evaluation of meaningful careers. The erroneous equivocation of degrees and wages, caused many people to lose sight of what it was they needed to feel satisfied at work when education becomes a means to economic stability, identity tends to get lost i n the exchange.There is a wealth of reasons to be miserable at work outside of the existential ones, of course. Factors like the commute, stagnation, your coworkers, your boss, long-hours, also play crucial roles over time.Performative workaholism and pervasive career malaise have melded, giving way to the most depressed labor ecosystem in decades. In a recent study, 63% of Americans said that their job caused them to engage in unhealthy behavior, like crying and or drinking. Work-related stress also rivals diabetes as a heart disease risk factor.Care about your job, Be passionate about yourselfAccording toLiz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy, authors ofNo Hard Feelings The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work, we should all care less.A lotless.The book mentions 7 key authors of our daily work anxiety, Fosslien and Mollie call them the 7 deadly stresses obsessing about email on vacation, the scope creep (continuous arbitrary growth in a projects scope), unpredictable schedules, the information firehouse, sleep deprivation, unrealistic deadlines, and social isolation.On the subject, they state Letting your job consume you is unhelpful and unhealthy. It makes small problems seem exceptional and places too much emphasis on casual conversations and interactions.They believe that caring less is not only personally relieving, it also makes you less likely to produce panicky incompetent work. The same impulse that will see you turn off your phone so that you can be more engaged in your life outside of work, will dually foster a clear and level headed mind ready to be productive the following morning. They emphasize that being less passionate about work doesnt mean not caring you should simply care about yourself more.When you leave work, they suggest you ensure you truly leave by adhering to these helpful stipulations only touch email once, allow one day a week to be completely dedicated to catching up (dont take on any new task), make room for mini-breaks, and e stablish an after-work ritual, like bike riding home something that can serve both mental and physical stimulation.Chiseling out time for yourself is the easiest and first step toward detaching from your workaholic identity.

Monday, December 16, 2019

What Employers Must Know About Hiring Convicted Felons

What Employers Must Know About Hiring Convicted FelonsWhat Employers Must Know About Hiring Convicted FelonsHiring a convicted felon isnt what most businesses set out to do. In fact, most companies would prefer to hire people who will be soon nominated for sainthood, which leaves candidates with a criminal record out. Employers need to keep in mind, though, that many saints have checkered pasts and so may some of your best employees. Heres what you need to know about hiring employees with a criminal history. What Is Ban the Box? fruchtwein job applications have a box that applicants check off to say whether or not they have any felony or misdemeanor convictions. But, 25 states and several cities have passed ban-the-boxlaws. Some additional states have fair gelegenheit legislation, which means that you cant ask the applicant about convictions on a job application. Individual state laws vary, so double check your state or other governmental jurisdictions laws before you ask a parti e to fill out an application. As a general rule, ban the box means that you cant ask about any convictions until you get to the job offer stage of the selection process. The Purpose of Ban-the-Box Laws Whats the purpose behind these laws? The state has a vested interest in getting people with a criminal history working - having a job reduces the chance of recidivism. If you want to lower crime, you want people working instead of returning to their bad ways. But the other reason for ban-the-box laws is to stop discrimination against black men. However, research has shown that this may not be working as desired - since employers cant ask about criminal history, they are less likely to interview black and Hispanic candidates. Researchers looked at low-skilled men between the ages of 25 to 34 and determined that in ban-the-box areas...employers are less likely to interview young, low-skilled black menbecause those groups are more likely to include ex-offenders. They instead focus on hiring groups made up of men they believe are less likely to have gone to prison. So, while the laws may help actual convicts, they can adversely affect low-skilled black men who have no criminal history. When Can You Ask About a Persons Criminal History? In all states, you can ask about felony convictions before you actually hire an employee. The ban-the-box legislation just prevents you from asking about criminal history before youre ready to make an offer. When youre ready to make an offeryou can do a background check which involves askingabout any convictions. Can You Reject an Applicant Because of a Criminal History? The answer to this question is sometimes. Some convictions prevent you from having certain types of jobs altogether. For instance, if you run a daycare, you absolutely can and must reject convicted child sexual abusers. Thats an easy decision. In other areas, the decision is not so cut and dried. Rejecting people based on their criminal history may viola te the Civil Rights Act of 1964s Title VII. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says that there are two key points when considering how to treat convicted job candidates. They say Title VII prohibits employers from treating people with similar criminal records differently because of their race, national origin, or another Title VII-protected characteristic (which includes color, sex, and religion).Title VII prohibits employers from using policies or practices that screen individuals based on criminal history information ifThey significantly disadvantage Title VII-protected individuals such as African Americans and Hispanics ANDThey do not help the employer accurately decide if the person is likely to be a responsible, reliable, or safe employee. Ban-the-box legislation is an attempt to comply with the first part of this (although, its not working), but what about the second part? First, you cant assume an arrest means a person committed a crime that would disqualify the per son from the job. If your candidate has a conviction, you can consider that they committed the crime of which they were convicted. If there is simply an arrest, you can use that to start aninquiry into whether or not the person should be disqualified. How Do You Determine Whether to Hire a Candidate With a Criminal History? But, how do you determine if the convicted person is likely to be a responsible, reliable, or safe employee? Thats going to vary based on state laws,but here are some general guidelines. Treat people of different races/genders the same. If you go ahead and hire a white man with a drug conviction because it was just a youthful indiscretion and then reject a black man with a similar conviction youre violating the law.How long has it been since the conviction? If the job candidate has a conviction for shoplifting from six months ago, you can make a strong argument that this is not a trustworthy individual. If that conviction occurred 20 years ago, however, and n o repeat convictions have occurred - not so much. How does the conviction relate to the job? You can reject a person who embezzled from a previous employer as your companys comptroller, but probably not for a job as a landscaper with no access to funds.Did you give the candidate a chance to explain himself? If a candidate has a conviction that you say disqualifies him for the position, the EEOC requires you to give the person a chance to demonstrate that the exclusion should not be applied due to his particular circumstances. This means that youll have to sit down and listen to what the candidate has to say and perhaps collect some additional information. Always Consult With Your Attorney About Hiring Employees With a Criminal History If you wish to reject a job candidate based on a conviction, before you do so,please consult with your employment law attorney. Because state and even local laws can vary considerably, you cant make generalized judgments on what you think is best for your business. You need to ensure that you have followed the law precisely and that you arent violating Title VII in any way. Many companies skip consulting with their attorney because that discussion costs money. But, its considerably cheaper to pay for an initial consultation than tohave to pay for the resulting lawsuit. Remember, evenlawsuits that you win are incredibly expensive to litigate. For jobs with state licensing, use the licensing procedures as your guidelines. If the licensing agency allows the person to have a license with that particular conviction, you should most likely (consult with your attorney) not consider rejecting the candidate because of that conviction either. When trying to decide how you want to shape your policy regarding convicted felons, consider the true nature of your business. Does your business require actual saints or are normal humans enough? - - - - - - - - - - - - Suzanne Lucas is a freelance journalist specializing in Human Resources. S uzannes work has been featured on notes publications including Forbes, CBS, Business Insider and Yahoo.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Solar Steam Power on the Rise

Solar Steam Power on the Rise Solar Steam Power on the Rise Relatively small swaths of desert land could power the countrys every electric need. Larger swaths could power the world. To do so would not have to mean paving a barren landscape with photovoltaic cells. Instead, we could focus a patch of our nearest stars generous rays to a single point and, likethe old image ofa childburning ants with a magnifying glass on a clear summers day, create heat.Thats the plan that South Africas Cockerill Maintenance IngnierieCMI to ushas for a power plant in Upington. The company has been in the boiler business since 1818. Now, working with the Spanish company Abengoa Solar, they will build their first thermal-solar boiler to convert sunshine to electricity.The concept is simple enough. In a flat part of the country, thousands of mirrors will sit in an arc at the foot of a tower, like so many alien minions before their monolithic leader. As the day wears on and the sun makes its journey from h orizon to horizon, the heliostats will obediently track its path carefully reflecting, for the duration of the day, the starshine that hits them to the top of the tower.Heat to PowerFocusing a days rays to one spot is one half of the battle (won by Abengoa). The other half is turning that heat into useable power. Enter CMIs 2009 patent. This receptor produces high-pressure superheated steam (a good 986 degrees Fahrenheit), which can be used directly in a turbine for making juice.Sitting at the top of a 655-foot tower, a receptor will soak in the rays bounced its way from thousands of heliostats on the ground that track the suns path in the sky. Image CMIAt the top of the tower is where it all happens. The condensed light hitting the receptor is so bright that the tower seems to be producing light rather than receiving it. Two cavities on the east and west sides of the 655-foot tower work as evaporators. A third heats the steam, which travels to the turbine at the ground. Direct stea m generation means no use of dangerous and polluting thermal oils, no losses in heat exchangers, says Michel Lalmand, vice president of sales for CMI Solar.Storage ChallengeOne of the biggest problems with solar power is the question of storage. Rest assured, the folks in Upington will not have to forgo light, television, microwaves, etc. after the sun sets. Part of the saturated steam may be stored for overnight electricity production, after conditioning in a separated superheater, explains Lalmand. As night progresses, the loss of energy is very small, depending upon the heat insulation of the accumulator.Creating and storing power was the easy part. Far trickier was finding a way to deal with the stresses created by radiation fluxes and the extreme temperature difference between the faces of the tower. The solution, however, is proprietary. The company is also developing a paint that will allow the suns rays to pass through it while excluding destructive infrared rays.By 2013 the plant, called Khi Solar One, will produce its first megawatts. It will eventually provide the power for 27,000 households. And one hopes that their clean, uninterrupted electricity will inspire the rest of the world to put their most desolate lands to better use.Michael Abrams is an independent writer.Direct steam generation means no use of dangerous and polluting thermal oils, no losses in heat exchangers.Michel Lalmand, vice president of sales, CMI Solar

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Top Librarian Resume Guide!

Top Librarian Resume Guide Youll have to tailor your resume to the work description with the addition of keywords and abilities from the offer. 1 way to stop from making your resume ugly is to ensure which you arent cramming your information on the page (such as the example below). Below, you will discover a list of resume examples that may assist you with your work search. So, all the advice on the best way to compose a resume still stands. Whats more, you can customize the CV as you desire. Career guidance a part of my normal work. Reference librarians often educate others about research procedures, good citation and using reference sources. Resume writing can be a fairly simple job if you realize how Your Teacher Job Interview When you land the work interview make sure youre well ready to stand out as an outstanding job candidate. Resumes dont need to be boring. Also be sure you tailor the document to the job youre applying for. Submit the saatkorn resume for every s ingle job. Then again, lets say the exact same job requires you to be creative and bold. Attempt not to locate a great job as soon as youre unemployed. Your CV should demonstrate your possible value to your prospective employer. Youre going to be creative and eager to innovate. Infographic resumes supply you with the chance to creatively show off your finest assets. Though some work application writers could be a little more costly than other folks, it doesnt signify you need to avoid them. So whenever your dream job calls you, you can be certain to make it using a good resume in hand. If youre having trouble getting attention, make sure that you have a look at our tips to receive your resume noticed. However much or what kind of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. To do this, you want to organize that information first. Provided that you use the proper info, you will wind up with a professional document t hat will impress any hiring manager. After you choose the totally free printable resume template that fulfills your requirements, be certain to fill it with positive and meaningful info. The resume template is thought to be a guide to fill in pertinent data in your resume. What Everybody Dislikes About Librarian Resume and Why A resume template is only a template you could fill in with your very own personal details which are going to be a resume you can send to companies that you want to work for. Resume templates are one method to guarantee structure behind your resume. Our creative templates enable you to stick out from the crowd. Project Manager Resume templates are extremely practical document templates that may be utilised at many moments if youre a project manager. The free resume template gets you started, but youll need to do the job. The free resume template can show you just how to format your resume, but nevertheless, it cant show you just how to write it. Prov ided that you know what you would like, then the free resume templates are perfect. You will see free resume templates with diverse fonts. Show employers that youre updated and create a fantastic first impression by selecting the correct template. Have a peek at these examples to choose which format is most appropriate for you. Choose the teacher resume template that is applicable to your circumstance. Double check to make certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. The Importance of Librarian Resume If youre asking for an executive position, then you likely require a resume that allows for lots of details. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better prospect of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. Obviously, it doesnt indicate that your resume will fail. A complete pick for candidates with lots of experience who desire to have a really good one-page resume templ ate. Dont forget, as soon as youve finished personalizing your resume, youre not prepared to fill out an application yet. Utilizing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for several explanations. After that youve got enough info to go searching for free resume templates that match your requirements. By utilizing a resume template absolutely free of clutter, youll only consist of relevant info. Therefore, its important to keep up a professional social networking profile. For that you have to pay attention to resume samples. So many of the work search websites and resume sites consist of free resume templates for your usage.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Micromanagement Productivity Hindrance or Tool for Productivity - Spark Hire

Micromanagement Productivity Hindrance or Tool for Productivity - Spark HireCan managers micromanage in a way that encourages employees to be more productive? At the outset, the question binnenseems like a contradictory one. Typically, micromanagement conjures up images of a hovering employer, stressed out employees, and bad manager-employee relationships.In an article from Thomas O. Davenport at Bloomberg Businessweek, Davenport suggests an intriguing change in mindset concerning micromanagement Positive micromanagement focuses on what people want and need from managers, rather than on what managers must do to feel in charge. Davenport argues that managers should have regular and frequent contact with their employees. Using the right strategies, employers can leverage their contact with employees to encourage them to be self-sufficient and more productive.While this goes against our traditional, pessimistic views of micromanaging, the bigger question is how to leverage your interact ion with employees. mora so than micromanagement, it becomes a question of motivation and making that hovering tendencywhich may look like micromanagement to someinto a useful tool for helping your employees succeed and helping your team and the company be more productive in the long run. As a manager, how can you establish an effective system that encourages autonomy?Avoid email and pursue personal contact. Make the effort to walk around to your employees desks rather than delegating from your computer screen. Youll learn more and find out more about your employee on a day-to-day basis, rather than a meeting-to-meeting basis and youll get a better sense of what your employees may want or need.Ask for updates rather than reports. Instead of requiring reports and metrics to track productivity quantitatively, ask your employees to keep you in the loop about updates on their regular work. Instead of requesting reports when predetermined checkpoints of productivity are reached, ask abou t small wins that are significant to your employees. If you frequent their workspace, ask for general updates about the state of day-to-day things as well as larger projects. Most likely, as you receive the answers to these questions, youll begin to see where certain employees may be hitting roadblocks to success. If youre able, these should be removed so that they can move forward unencumbered.Raise issues that are pertinent to your employees and ask for solutions. Davenport suggests that, employees who take intellectual ownership of their jobs are more likely to feel stimulated and engaged and less likely to feel suffocated by managerial attention. Engage your employees more frequently when problems arise instead of just taking care of them yourself. While this may take more time, it will show your employees that you appreciate their input, expose them to more within the company, and encourage them to take responsibility for all kinds of thingseven some that might be outside of th eir job description. Youll create more competent employees and you may be surprised by a previously unconsidered solution to the problem at hand.In the end, this is less about managing your micromanaging and more about being an engaged manager. However, if youve been accused of micromanagement before, perhaps these tips are useful for turning your tendency to stick your nose in the details into the help your employees need to succeed on their own instead.Do you think there is such a thing as positive micromanagement? Let us know in the commentsansehen Courtesy of Flickr byarriba